
On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Don deJuan <donjuans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 05/12/2013 03:21 PM, Anatol Pomozov wrote:
>> Hi
>> On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Don deJuan <donjuans...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 05/11/2013 11:26 AM, Anatol Pomozov wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone
>>>> Per discussion in 'pacman-dev' maillist [1] I implemented a tool that
>>> tries
>>>> to find Arch out-of-date packages. The tool scans PKGBUILD files is
>>>> /var/abs directory, extracts download url and then tries to probe
>>> download
>>>> urls for the next version. Next versions look like
>>>> X.Y.Z+1
>>>> X.Y+1.0
>>>> X+1.0.0
>>>> If any of the new versions presents on the download server it reports to
>>>> user as 'new version available'.
>>>> Here is the tool sources https://github.com/anatol/pkgoutofdate To make
>>> its
>>>> usage even more pleasant I added it to AUR
>>>> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pkgoutofdate-git/
>>>> To use it please install pkgoutofdate-git package:
>>>> $ yaourt -S pkgoutofdate-git
>>>> Then update abs database and run tool itself:
>>>> $ sudo abs && pkgoutofdate
>>>> That's it. The result looks like
>>>> .......
>>>> closure-linter: new version found - 2.3.8 => 2.3.9
>>>> perl-data-dump: new version found - 1.21 => 1.22
>>>> wgetpaste: new version found - 2.20 => 2.21
>>>> fillets-ng-data: new version found - 1.0.0 => 1.0.1
>>>> tablelist: new version found - 5.5 => 5.6
>>>> ......
>>>> There are some fals positive and negative results though, mostly because
>>>> download servers return different sort of weird responses. I still work
>>> on
>>>> work-arounds for all these cases.
>>>> Hope you find this tool useful and it will help to make Arch software
>>> even
>>>> more bleeding edge.
>>>> [1]
>>> https://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2013-March/thread.html#16850
>>> Does this only work for packages found in the ABS or will it also work
>>> for AUR packages one might be maintaining?
>> Only ABS right now. I did it because it is easy to traverse files under
>> /var/abs and parse them.
>> AUR requires additional step on fetching PKGBUILD from server. It should be
>> fairly easy to add it. What is the recommended way to fetch files from aur?
>> Just 'wget https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pk/pkgoutofdate-git/PKGBUILD'?
> I would do it that was as it seems the easiest way to get just the
> Or could you add a flag where we can pass a directory, say where we
> store PKGBUILDs for the AUR we maintain.

Added "-d" flag, now you can specify custom directory where to scan
for PKGBUILD files.

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