On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 09:53:11PM -0400, Jayson Rowe wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I've been using Xfce for quite a while as I've been dissatisfied with
> GNOME-Shell, but since 3.8 made it to the stable repos, I decided to try it
> out in Classic mode. I really like it. However, I can't seem to add my
> Google Talk account to Empathy. When the Accounts Window pops up, there is
> a dialog asking me what type of chat account I have, but there seems to be
> no options available. Is there a dependency I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> Jayson

Have a look at the optional dependencies for empathy:
$ pacman -Qi empathy
Optional Deps  : telepathy-gabble: XMPP/Jabber support [installed]
                 telepathy-idle: IRC support [installed]
                 telepathy-salut: Link-local XMPP support
                 telepathy-rakia: SIP support
                 telepathy-haze: libpurple support

Ross Lagerwall

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