
With the inclusion of the debug option in pacman 4.1.0, I think it makes
sense to do something with this in the official repositories. I've
sifted through some bug reports asking for inclusion of the debug
symbols in a separate package or repository officially for testing
purposes. With [extra] and [community] approaching 1.5 and 2 megabytes
respectively, I think that adding debug symbols directly into these
repositories would be a bad idea as it would probably add ~50% to those
databases, and I've already seen some people complain about the sizes. 

What I would propose (and I've implemented this locally fine) is to have
a separate series of repositories named [$repo-debug] that only contain
the -debug packages, allowing those that don't bother with testing or
debugging to simply not include them in their pacman.conf, but if there
is something that they want to run valgrind or whatever on, they can
simply enable the right [*-debug] repo for that package, and once they
are done debugging simply remove that repo from their list along with
the package. For really large packages, this will save people a while
lot of time recompiling dependencies for these symbols.

I talked to ioni on the channel, and he said that your repo scripts do
not have support for this. If it's too much of a hassle, putting them in
the same repo wouldn't be that terrible, honestly.

Thank you,
William Giokas | KaiSforza
GnuPG Key: 0x73CD09CF
Fingerprint: F73F 50EF BBE2 9846 8306  E6B8 6902 06D8 73CD 09CF

ps: Sorry about sending it to the wrong list, first. (I actually had
this queued up for a while...)

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