Hallo, I'm aware that there's an Arch Wiki about WD drives. However, I need to know if something is bad with Linux or a brand new WD drive.
In the German WD forms I got a reply, with the claim, that once a WD Elements is spin down, it will park, _not_ spin up again, if there's no access. For my updated Arch Linux, 64-bit with current kernel and current kernel-rt, running current Xfce 4 the drive does spin down and up again and again even when _no_ partition is mounted, I'm running a Xfce 4 session without an application launched, while I don't use the computer. So with completely no access by me, - Arch Linux _does_ access the drive, even if no partition is mounted - or I got a brand new drive that's broken and should make use of the warranty How can I find out, if there's something fishy with my Arch Linux or if the drive is broken? Any ideas? Regards, Ralf