Am Sun, 10 Feb 2013 03:51:47 -0600
schrieb William Giokas <>:

> I'm getting pkg-config errors too, but for totally unrelated packages,
> like webkit-1.0. Downgrading cairo to [core] fixes that for me (and
> allows me to build things again) but the one in testing somehow breaks
> pkg-config. I have no idea what's going on, but if you need me to run
> something, I'll be glad to give some output.
> Steps to reproduce:
> # pacman -S testing/cairo webkitgtk
> [...]
> $ pkg-config webkit-1.0; echo $?
> 1
> # pacman -S extra/cairo
> [...]
> $ pkg-config webkit-1.0; echo $?
> 0
> Thanks,

I wonder why Gentoo and Fedora don't run into this. There are
several .pc files included that should cover all cairo features.


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