Am 31.01.2013 09:18, schrieb Guillermo Leira:
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: arch-general [] En nombre de
>> Martín Cigorraga
>> Enviado el: jueves, 31 de enero de 2013 4:07
>> Para: General Discussion about Arch Linux
>> Asunto: Re: [arch-general] nmbd fails to start
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:09 PM, Andre Goree <> wrote:
>>> On 01/30/13 16:37, martin kalcher wrote:
>>>> Here is the bug report:
>>>> Try to update. The most recent package is: samba-3.6.11-4
>>> Thanks!
>> Same here, thanks, I had no clue why it stopped to work out of the blue...
> I've read the bug report, and tried the modifications suggested, but I still 
> don't have access to network shares from my PC (although my samba shares are 
> accessible from other systems).
> I does not seem to be critical for me, I has not worked for five or six days 
> and I have just noticed, but I use cifs shares for my backups...
> Is there a fix for this issue?
> Thanks,
> Guillermo
It should work with latest 3.6.12-1,
if not please report back.


Tobias Powalowski
Archlinux Developer & Package Maintainer (tpowa)

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