On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 05:54:34PM +0100, Kwpolska wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:53 PM, bjsch...@gmail.com <bjsch...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Does anybody know what I'm missing?
> A BRAIN?!  You get an awesome Unix OS with your device, so USE IT.
> Seriously, I never understood people who ever think of using a
> non-OS-X OS as your primary OS on a Mac.
Because OS X is not about the developers anymore. My father uses OS X.
He is the target user now, not me. I can try to install everything I
need next to the outdated crap Apple delivers or I get rid of the OS and
install a Linux I can make jump through every hoop I want it to. :D

But sorry, I have no idea about the original problem. I have the feeling
that I might have been run into that too, but I don't know what I did
about it. :(

Best regards,

[ Arvid Warnecke ][ arvid (at) nostalgix (dot) org ]
[ IRC/OPN: "madhatter" ][ http://www.nostalgix.org ]
---[  ThreePiO was right: Let the Wookiee win.  ]---

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