On Monday 17 Dec 2012 12:34:42 arnaud gaboury wrote:
> Now my issue is to connect guest host to its domain naime. Did register
> public static IP to my domain naime seller.
> I am looking to avoid  web - - > router ––> host  ––> http guest server. I
> am scratching my head to figure out how to avoid the host forwarding. My
> router can assign the IP to one of the machine. Unfortunately, I did not
> use br0,bridge, but vibr0 on NAT and the router can't see the guest. The
> guest is getting its IP from host httpcd. Not a good way I think. It will
> generate too much forwarding.

If your guest is behind NAT, there's no way you can avoid forwarding.  I still 
think you're making life hard for yourself.  Virtualisation is an added 
complication here.  But if you're dead set on it, you'll need to change the 
network interface so that the guest is directly visible on the same physical 
network as the host, so the guest gets its IP directly from the router.

I don't know how that's done with qemu, I'm afraid.  Sorry I can't help any 
more with this.


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