pdns needs openmpi and hwloc. Also wildcard option in configuration is not supported any more. Can you update the package please? -- (\_ /) copy the bunny to your profile (0.o ) to help him achieve world domination. (> <) come join the dark side. /_|_\ (we have cookies.)
- [arch-general] PowerDNS has new dependencies Δημήτρης Ζέρβας
- Re: [arch-general] PowerDNS has new dep... Gaetan Bisson
- Re: [arch-general] PowerDNS has new... Alexander Rødseth
- Re: [arch-general] PowerDNS has... Kevin Mihelich
- Re: [arch-general] PowerDNS... Alexander Rødseth
- Re: [arch-general] Pow... Kevin Mihelich
- Re: [arch-general]... Alexander Rødseth
- Re: [arch-gene... Kevin Mihelich
- Re: [arch-gene... Alexander Rødseth