On my new install I've been using urxvtd to run terminals, and I'm finding that it frequently crashes. Either I'll switch to a window and it won't redraw or accept input, or I'll close a window and all of them will close. I was using the script in the urxvtc man page to spawn a daemon as required, and that either results in memory usage skyrocketing, or heaps of processes spawned waiting to connect to the daemon.

What am I doing wrong? Searching the interweb has thus far found nothing except that if urxvtd crashes it brings down all the clients (which I've become quite aware of). AFAIK there's no glitches in my ~/.Xresources[1]

I usually have a tmux session or two running, so I don't lose much, but it's still annoying when I lose an active download with aria2 or something like that.


[1] https://gist.github.com/3985284

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