On 22/10/2012, Genes MailLists <li...@sapience.com> wrote:
>      I had used one of my autofs mounts last night on my laptop. This
> morning I put it to sleep and moved to a different location where that
> nfs server is not available.
>      I am fully updated to testing repo (as of last night anyway :-) ).
>     (i) pacman hung (tho I understand from
> https://projects.archlinux.org/pacman.git/commit/?id=e183522e3168c4a31103b3c7910fa8d29333fb5a
>         that this may be fixed .. tho that was quite quite some time
> back so maybe something else is happening.

That fix (“diskspace: only load filesystem info on demand”) is not in
the 4.0.3 release; I think it’s probably waiting for a 4.1 release
because it’s on the master branch.

As for the rest of your problems I have no idea; I’m not familiar with
“autofs” or “systemd” :)

>    (ii) Alerted by the hang - I tried to restart autofs via
>          systemctl restart autofs
>         Perhaps I didn't wait long enough - but this did not complete.
>    (iii) So I rebooted pc. The shutdown hung after systemd reported
>          [ok] for shutting off remote file systems. Again I only waited
> a few minutes - perhaps it would have timed out after sufficiently long
> - but how long?
>    (iii) was especially surpising to me - I thought systemd would kill
> the daemon sooner.
>    Can anyone share What is the right way of dealing with this 'dead
> autofs mount' issue?

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