On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Taylor Hedberg <tmhedb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Menachem Moystoviz, Thu 2012-10-11 @ 13:23:32+0200:
>> Which do you suggest? Do you have an alternative?
> I use Postfix + Dovecot on an Arch Linux Linode VPS and I'm pretty happy
> with it.
>> 2) Hard to maintain, can crash at any moment, will drive me to early
>> grave
> It is a bit of a pain to initially configure, but after spending a
> couple hours getting it set up, I've almost never had to touch the
> configuration, except when I added SpamAssassin and, later, procmail to
> the stack.

Aye, but I have the following concerns regarding hosting the server myself:
- Only have one server - no redundancy or reliability
- No source of income -> no possibility of VPS AFAIK
- DKIM, PTR, SPF, rDNS all require money and static IP (more money)

Will keep this option in mind.


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