On 28 Sep 2012 11:34, "Tom Gundersen" <t...@jklm.no> wrote:
> An option could be to enable moderation on dev-public, still defaulting to
> rejecting everything, but allow through high-quality contributions from
> outside.
I concur this idea, but who's is going to moderate it? You should consider
that also if someone from the devs moderate it (more work for them).
> I agree that we should create a venue for would-be contributors to engage
> with us, but i also agree that we don't want to end up with non
> constructive content in dev-public, and we don't want to waste time on
> justifying rejecting/banning things (it should stay high-quality and low
> volume as we expect all devs and all users of testing to read it
> thoroughly).
+1 for a "bridge" to the dev-land.

> I don't know the best solution, just throwing out an idea.
> Tom

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