On Thu, 27 Sep 2012 15:02:15 +0200, Jameson <imntr...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
  Model: "ATI RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series]"

The X1200 series is no longer supported by current Catalyst drivers.
You will need to use a legacy driver, or the open source driver.

OK, so I misunderstood what I read about "RS690". The "radeon" driver does work, but it might (or might not) be the cause for xruns, that's why I'll test the proprietary driver. Hopefully there's an outdated version supporting X1... cards and hopefully it won't cause issues to downgrade X.

To be continued later today, or within the next days.

Thank you,

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