On Sun, 2012-09-16 at 20:57 +0800, Rashif Ray Rahman wrote:
> It would help if you could come on to IRC #jack or #archaudio so we
> could troubleshoot this.

I installed

$ pacman -Qi xchat
Version        : 2.8.8-10
Install Date   : Sun Sep 16 15:09:52 2012

but I guess it will driving me nuts, regarding to the odd formatting and
colours of the text, when chatting in a foreign language, while thinking
about a technical issue, because my visual perception of text is like
this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwZLFTW4OGY

Emails are well-structured and easier to read for me and at the same
time while I correspond by email, I'm able to do other work I need to

At least I won't join IRC today.


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