On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 9:58 PM, Jacob Joseph <ja...@jjoseph.org> wrote: > Some underlying programs produce no output; I'm not proposing that > Arch address all such cases. Instead, the scenario I continue to run > into is that the init script redirects all output, good or bad, to > /dev/null. In my opinion, this is excessively heavy-handed and > obscures the behavior of the system only to make debugging difficult. Systemd will offer you a solution. Nothing is printed during boot and everything is logged.
> I have posted bug reports about some packages (e.g., > https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/29769), some of which have resulted in > more favorable output. I fixed your bug report as _you_ wished. How the output can be more favorable? I only asked you some help to fix the issue behind this hiding and you just don't care. > However, the issue is more general, and I'm > unsure whether I should continue posting such bugs. Systemd will probably remove all this *bad* but convenient hiding. I reminds you, this is to have a clean boot when everything goes fine. > So, can anyone clarify whether there is some existing policy about > this behavior? I first assumed this was a matter of limited manpower, > but discussion in that backuppc bug, in particular, leads me to > suspect that others in the project don't have my convictions. Everyone doesn't think like you? Weird! For my part I do not have a definite opinion on the matter. -- Sébastien "Seblu" Luttringer www.seblu.net