On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Lukas Jirkovsky <l.jirkov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I can help (or at least try to) with support for initscripts

Anyone who wants to help, please join arch-proje...@archlinux.org,
review patches, use initscripts from git/testing and report problems.

> if it's
> going to be a burden for you some day in the future.

As has been mentioned, the problems I foresee are (ordered from
"currently a problem" to "a potential problem a long time from now":

1) not enough people testing initscripts. This would be easy to help
out with :-)
2) third-party software (such as gnome/polkit/...) getting hard
dependencies on booting with systemd (essentially everything that now
depends on consolekit, and maybe more). If you don't use the affected
software this does not matter, if you do it is not really easy to work
3) devs at some point no longer wanting to maintain the various rc
scripts. If people are committed enough I guess an "rc scripts"
package could be put in the AUR to deal with this case (if ever it
becomes a problem, which it might not).

> I won't give up
> using initscripts on my desktop so easily ;-).



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