On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Felipe Contreras <felipe.contre...@gmail.com> wrote: > > No, I never said anything like that. All I said is [...] > > [...] > [...] > [...] > [...] > [...] [...] [...]
*yaaawn* ... ... are we done? you guys are really boring me to death here -- interest level is pitifully low. yawn. if you want to see a boot up process that uses daemontools, or runit, or monit or {insert-here} ... then get on it chief! alas, i expect there are good reasons said tools were never used as such. but hey! that doesn't mean you can't try it anyway. i try stuff all the time and fail, sometimes i fail really fckn hard. and don't give me any of that "i have no time" bull!@#$! none of us have "time"! "Yes, of course. Who has time? Who has time? But then if we never *take* time, how can we have time?" - The Merovingian let's cut to the chase here: there is no reason to get all bent out of shape ... no one cares (well not enough to do anything useful anyway). frankly, i DGAF about your wah-wah problems, but i give you points for a vivid imagination. it's clear that 99% of the free population feels {insert-previous-sentence}. so buck up, do something useful, or find another outlet ... puh-puh-please? -- C Anthony