On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 11:27 +0100, Paul Gideon Dann wrote:
> Hello all,
> Does anyone know if system-readahead is supposed to work in our current 
> package?  For me, there is an error message during boot (something about an 
> event being too large to process), and there is no /.readahead file created.  
> systemctl also reports a non-zero exit status, but no log entry, and I can't 
> find the actual error message in the journal or dmesg.
> Does someone have this working?
> Paul

Wow, is it Red Hat or Arch?
I really wonder that commercial stuff as Novell and RedHat becomes
important for really free stuff :(. Please let us-american commerce
become part of every thing of our lives :(.

It's really hard to be quiet :(.

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