Paul Gideon Dann <> on Tue, 2012/08/21 11:01:
> On Tuesday 21 Aug 2012 11:05:07 Christian Hesse wrote:
> > Oh, the commands in the wiki exclude curl now. Did not notice that.
> > 
> > I am fine with the situation, I can deal with these things. Hopefully
> > others will read the wiki. :D
> For those like me that followed the news article's instructions first and
> ran into the curl issue, I fixed this by coping the old curl package (that
> was just replaced) from /var/cache/pacman/pkg into an empty subdirectory in
> my home directory and unpacked it.  Then, as root I replaced the 
> /usr/lib/ library with the one found in the package.  This 
> fixed pacman, allowing me to downgrade curl properly with "pacman -U".
> The rest can then be done as described on the wiki page.

That is exactly what I did. ;)

And do not forget to reinstall curl to have the recent version in place.
main(a){char*c=/*    Schoene Gruesse                         */"B?IJj;MEH"
"CX:;",b;for(a/*    Chris           get my mail address:    */=0;b=c[a++];)
putchar(b-1/(/*               gcc -o sig sig.c && ./sig    */b/42*2-3)*42);}

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