2012/8/20 Guillaume Brunerie <guillaume.brune...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> Did you try to recompile it?
> According to the FHS,
>> If a C preprocessor is installed, /lib/cpp must be a reference to it, for 
>> historical reasons.
> But it seems that ArchLinux got rid of it recently (this file was
> present before the /lib -> /usr/lib transition but I do not have it
> anymore)
> So I guess that the following command would fix the problem
>> # ln -s /usr/bin/cpp /lib/cpp
> If the problem occurs in the latest version of spin, you should
> probably file a bug report to make spin use /usr/bin/cpp instead of
> /lib/cpp.
> Guillaume

Yes thanks now it works with this, but I could not understand why on
earth cpp should be in lib, didn't know about this historical reason..
I'll report the spin developers then, thanks

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