> It is a virtualbox bug. It probably is but that is no certainty. Virtualbox is or was atleast a good example of how a user loved and useful software can still be far from good and safe code correctness.
The project leader of OpenBSD had a bug report and eventually found it was virtualbox's fault, commenting "We don't know how other operating system products continue running when the userland ecx register gets clobbered on a return from a page fault, but at least people should be aware that there is likely some security risk from running that product." https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?p=17930 Note this comment which ignores the underlying issues. "One one hand, the documentation for VBox clearly shows FreeBSD as the only supported BSD, and only having "limited support". Outside of the supported guest OS's is strictly "your mileage may vary" territory, and people should be more clearly indicating they are using virtualization when submitting bug reports. On the other hand, Theo needs to stop worrying so much. Virtualization isn't going away, and it's a trend that needs to be adopted and accounted for, not whined about. It's a golden opportunity to attract users who may have not wanted to make the hardware investment to throw BSD on a dedicated rig but now can try it out with no commitment. OMG VIRTUALIZATION IS SCARY isn't the right way to approach it." The original thread can be seen here, if you wonder if there is any other basis for that comment. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Gwz0lBB1_NgJ:old.nabble.com/Bug-reports-regarding-Innotek-VirtualBox-td15907184.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk -- _______________________________________________________________________ 'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface' (Doug McIlroy) _______________________________________________________________________