On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 04:08:32 -0500
C Anthony Risinger <anth...@xtfx.me> wrote:


> the boot process isn't really that interesting (once you
> know/understand it anyway ... if not i encourage you to explor ;-) --
> every distro pretty much does it the same way, but pointlessly
> independent, thus resulting in annoying differences that are
> completely irrelevant to begin with.

Thank you for a measured reply Anthony.  I take your points.  I have also 
watched LP's FOSDEM systemd presentation on Youtube (understanding about 80% of
it), and read most of the links provided by other posters (especially the
internal debate between Red Hat devs).  I understand that there are advantages,
but I am left with the lingering impression that systemd is part of a larger
project, - as discussed by Fons Adriaensen in this thread.  It bothers me.


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