On 16 August 2012 03:46, Fons Adriaensen <f...@linuxaudio.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 12:25:05AM +0800, Rashif Ray Rahman wrote:
>> Please think of systemd as the freedesktop.org specs for desktop files
>> or graphical interoperability between distributions (X11, d-bus).
> I'm trying to attach some meaning to that sentence, but so
> far I can't.

No problem. It is an analogy, though not meant to be a good one.
'Desktop files' and 'X11 interoperability' are indeed far away from
'core functionality' and 'init'. However, the point stands that it
refers to freedesktop.org standards that distributions do follow.

>> It is a new 'upstream' that we can rely on for running our GNU/Linux
>> systems. It so happens that this time it's a core part of the system
>> that's being 'standardised'. If you're not a fan of freedesktop.org,
>> then I'm afraid that's a religious position you choose to take.
> That is completely upside down. Blindly accepting truth 'fom above'.
> in this case freedesktop.org, is a religious attitude. Refusing
> to do that certainly is not.

Sorry, I do not recall anyone blindly accepting any kind of truth. It
is simply a new way to do something, one that proposes to aid better
in maintaining a GNU/Linux distribution. We simply realise its
potential and adopt it, instead of fearing and comdemning it for its
flaws. I do not see how this is a religious position. Rather, it is a
rational one.


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