On 14 August 2012 12:52, David C. Rankin <drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com>wrote:

> On 08/05/2012 11:03 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
> > All,
> >
> >   There have been a few noteworthy developments with the Trinity project
> for
> > Arch. There will be essentially 2 versions available. The primary focus
> of the
> > project is currently on TDE 14.0.0 (R14) which is TQt3 based and due to
> > executable renaming, it can be installed along side kde4 without
> conflict. As
> > R14 development went forward, new updates have been continually
> backported to
> > the stable 3.5.13 branch of the GIT tree. This has resulted in a
> completely
> > updated branch of TDE 3.5.13 code which is still Qt3 based and retains
> all
> > backwards compatibility with KDE 3.5.10. This TDE branch is referred to
> as
> > (3.5.13-sru).
> TDE has been updated for cups >= 1.6 and ffmpeg 0.11. Server space has been
> graciously obtained from Axilleas Pi. Final builds of the 3.5.13-sru
> binaries
> are underway. R14 builds will start thereafter. I will upload binaries and
> provide a link to the repo within the next couple of days (once I figure
> out the
> upload process - and have time to test a couple of tdm (kdm) changes to
> kdmrc
> generation ) I'll provide install notes at that time.
> --
> David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

Excellent, thank you.


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