On Tue, 2012-08-14 at 16:59 +0100, Paul Dann wrote:
> Are you talking about the willingness of the Linux community in
> general to go through tough technical transitions for the sake of
> progress? If so, I'd say that's one of the big things that makes Linux
> so successful, and Windows so slow to improve. There are always the
> distros with LTS releases for those that can't risk breakage.


I've got several Linux installed, but I only maintain Ubuntu Studio LTS
(I'm not willing to maintain any Ubuntu Studio non-LTS) and Arch Linux,
until now a very good rolling release, just a briefly look into my
crystal ball does show an ugly future. Well, I'm an artist, I don't
spend much time in polishing and dusting the crystal ball, hence my view
might be a look into a opal glassed crystal ball.


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