On Tue, 2012-08-14 at 16:03 +0100, Geoff wrote: > On Tue, 14 Aug 2012 15:23:28 +0200 > Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote: > <snip> > > ImightBeMistakenSinceIonlyTestedPascalWithTheC64AndDecidedToUseAssemblerInstead > > OT, but if the above is true, was that Oxford Pascal, and did you then switch > to the MIKRO Assembler cartridge (as I did) ? Well to be accurate I switched > to it after first using an assembler program written in BASIC, typed in > from a book. > > Geoff
The C64 Pascal was from "Markt&Technik" 1986 ISBN 3-89090-222-7 *chuckle* my flat is a museum. Regarding to 65xx, e.g. 6502, 6510 Assembler I started with "directly" programming (sorry my English is broken). There was no chance to insert a command, later I used Assembler software that could be used like an editor. It was possible to insert commands, to handle modules comfortably (code that used branches instead of jumps and that could be placed at any point of the RAM). I never programmed by using op-code directly, excepted of some skip tricks, programs that did different things when jumping to the even or odd address. At that time (pre mov commands, still load and store) it was possible to jump at any address (pardon, as you know ;). I don't know the name "MIKRO Assembler cartridge". Perhaps I used it to, perhaps not. Regards, Ralf