On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 03:28:17PM +0200, Jelle van der Waa wrote:
> On 08/09/12 22:00, Anthony ''Ishpeck'' Tedjamulia wrote:
> > I think what he was saying wasn't that systemd is hard but switching is 
> > hard irrespectively of what you're switching to.  
> Because the devs made systemd being able to use rc.conf?

I'm just trying to clarify his actual argument so you can address
that rather than slaying the straw man.

You have to admit that the dev work does forebode the potential to
make it the default in the distro.  Doesn't make it certain but I
don't think the certainty is what scares people.

> It takes less then a day to use systemd, but I am not forcing you to use it.

No, you'll never force me to do anything.  As I said in this thread
already, I'm not using arch on my workhorse.  I'm not worried about
it like some people are.  I'm just trying to elevate the level of 
discourse here.

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