> I corrected my mail, with a second mail. For a beginner it's easier to
> follow the structure if the user several times changes the dir and list
> several times the contents.

Changing directory with 'cd' makes sense only when we have to do some
(several) operations with files in this directory.

For example...
cd <path>
cp <file> <file>.backup
nano <file>

...in order not to write prefix (path) all the time before filenames in

But when all we want to do is to list the directory contents or anything
else that can be written in one simple operation, changing working
directory is useless.

Useless example (following the structure... just like you said):

cd /
cd usr
cd share
cd zoneinfo
cd Europe

The same is made by 'ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe'

Peace :-)

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