I would like to thank all those who are working so diligently to make Arch
Linux more usable. There are just too many to list in one spot.

Dave's install scripts are great. This was the easiest install I've ever
done save plugging in an MSDOS disk.

To all those trying to come up with a graphical installer, I've never cared
for them starting with anaconda and FreeBSD' sys install. Doing the install
with these scripts removes all doubt about what's been done. Yes the AIF
put most of it in your face and was a very laudable project, but these
scripts take out all the doubt and forces you to think about how and what
you are doing. They also make it possible to plug another hard disk into a
running machine, do the install, then reboot to the new disk without using
any external drives. That's the part I really love.

Thanks for the tips about ext4 on the boot partition. I do have one
question relating to the genfstab script. All the other scripts work with
sudo but genfstab doesn't. I get an error message "permission denied" I
have to su to root then run it.


Life's fun when your sick and psychotic!

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