Am 04.08.2012 08:17, schrieb David C. Rankin:
> Guys,
>   What happened to the arch setup autoinstaller script that guided you though
> the install process?? It was minimal, and worked very well to guide you 
> through.
> Even helpful with raid installs after your arrays were assembled and
> partitioned. Now, unless I'm completely missing something, we a back to a 
> total
> manual install with archlinux-2012.07.15-netinstall. I've looked at the basic
> setup wiki and the install guide wiki and I don't see the friendly install 
> tool
> referenced anywhere. So am I missing it, or are we just back to a manual
> install? (guessing where packages are /usr/bin, /usr/sbin or /sbin. On
> archlinux-2012.07.15-netinstall, /usr/sbin is not in the default path, so 
> typing
> dhcpcd as instructed in the wiki -- does nothing...
>   I really liked the old arch installer. It was a fairly brain-dead install 
> that
> nicely walked you though the install process with minimal keystrokes and 
> choices
> required. Is that installer on the archlinux-2012.07.15-netinstall image? If 
> so
> where?
>   (This is an arch client vbox install if that makes any difference...)
Use archboot if you need hand holding.


Tobias Powalowski
Archlinux Developer & Package Maintainer (tpowa)

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