+1 for the ext2 boot partition
why isn't it necessary? is it loaded by default? because udev isn't
On Aug 1, 2012 1:25 AM, "Tom Gundersen" <t...@jklm.no> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:43 PM, Δημήτρης Ζέρβας <01tto...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm sorry Kyle for screwing your topic...
> > well, I think that you need an ext boot partition.
> > then, try to add the btrfs to modprobe.d (I don't remember exactly
> how...)
> > or to rc.conf (if using init scripts and not systemd) by adding "btrfs"
> to
> > the MODULES array
> Kyle: a btrfs module (in rc.conf or otherwise) should not be necessary.
> In my experience, life is much easier with /boot on an ext partition
> (I tend to stick with ext2, but that's just because I don't have much
> confidence in boot loaders).
> Also, usind syslinux rather than grub is usually much simpler
> (assuming you don't require some feature that is only required by
> grub.
> Cheers,
> Tom
> PS
> If you have more debug output, you could put picturesup somewhere, and
> I'm sure we could do a better job at interpreting it than Google (I
> didn't even know Google could do that to be honest).

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