On Jul 27, 2012 3:25 PM, "Jameson" <imntr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Myra Nelson <myra.nel...@hughes.net>
> > quickly adapt to these types of changes. Many don't seem to grasp the
> > concept that both systems are still supported. In my case because of
> > my bull head and set ways, I still use the /etc/rc.d/network script
> > for starting my network and let systemd do the rest. With the current
> I'd recommend either netcfg, or networkmanager for networking under
> systemd depending on your needs.  They each suit me well, and are well
> documented on the wiki.
> =-Jameson

Yet hardly no one seems to be working on those systems outside of their
respective distros. Makes one wonder...

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