Hi, I'm in a hurry to work so I will try to be the most clear but succint possible, forgive any typo then :)
"[...]So if I do not have installation guide previously printed on paper, I just become consused what to do next.[...] But for the present I would like at least to have installation guide included in installation iso (with a note where this guide resides) in order to switch to it during installation.[...]" +1 I second that and I already asked for the very same guide to be included in the ISO, may be one will be included in the _next_ ISO - if I understand right, there will be a new ISO release every month. Did you chek if links or elinks (or w3m or a similar text web-browser) is available? I didn't tried yet the new ISO but elinks was shipped in the last images so it's a breeze to connect to our wiki and check the install guide - in this case the AIS wiki. Regarding your last question -and since I've been very busy these days- I didn't tried systemd either, this is a pending course for me, but for you to configure your network you can use netcfg[0], Arch's shiny network manager first introduced few months ago; you will find examples of wired and wifi connections in /etc/network.d [0] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Netcfg See you around. -- -msx