
On Wednesday 25 Jul 2012 9:03:42 AM Shridhar Daithankar wrote:

> With pacman -sy --debug I get following error snippet
> -------------
> debug: found cached pkg: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ati-dri-8.0.4-2-
> x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
> debug: sig data:
> jtxEht/Df+IB9X9tYC5nG62pOL9+v0Sl4yVLBW4Ni0mYdwQ0UfJr3Mt1s7C3LbTI1ucU8WZMZicX
> c8tDKurRnPBDkAqnhK4+H7
> 4qa6ALNfIDQK7PVQTIedAQDgO9WsPd3DsKcOfNbEXZrDZSBU3awoaQuezKaoif/JnSt7iRXn3hd
> 8piuUgQuLQuksAe+Oa6MtEgXoCHQ22uzXa6nEV1EkO0q1sf8+0w/9+4mD3ejUutfLAQbxqmpfmw3
> kEuQ1eaICRLRgRu0ugKuwqi9cvdDBiw/27Z1QTkY aUNtvdT66Wb5OuAJGI=
> debug: checking signature for /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ati-dri-8.0.4-2-
> x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
> debug: 1 signatures returned
> debug: fingerprint: ADC8A1FCC15E01D45310419E94657AB20F2A092B
> debug: summary: valid
> debug: summary: green
> debug: status: Success
> debug: timestamp: 1342952455
> debug: exp_timestamp: 0
> debug: validity: full; reason: Success
> debug: key: ADC8A1FCC15E01D45310419E94657AB20F2A092B, Andreas Radke
> <>, owner_trust unknown, disabled 0
> debug: signature is valid
> debug: signature is fully trusted
> debug: returning error 6 from _alpm_pkg_validate_internal : wrong or NULL
> argument passed
> -------------

I deleted ati-dri package and redownloaded it. This time, without any timeouts 
and it still failed the upgrade with same error for the same package.

So I uninstalled ati-dri and xf86-video-ati. I have intel card and got all 
those extra drivers because I installed the whole group for simplicity.

Try again and this time it failed for gcc-libs. Delete, redownload and the 
error still persists.

and I don't think uninstalling gcc-libs is an option.

I also found but I don't think that can 
solely fix the issue. --debug is printing enough information or so I would 
like to think.

Pl. Help.

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