3) Personally this depends on the final rc.conf, is [1] or [2] going
to be it? I don't enjoy visually collating options across rc.conf
(terminal #1,vim) and rc.conf(5) (terminal #2,man). So if after
actions (2), and (4), nothing remains but "esoteric" options, then
sure, go ahead and do whatever you wish: remove them all or include


4.1) Are we going to ship default (possibly empty) replacement
configuration files, which currently may not exist on many systems,
and add these to the backup array? This includes (/etc/vconsole.conf,
/etc/locale.conf, /etc/hostname).
4.2) To be clear, is there going to be a separate configuration for

>>>d) The new format does not require a bash interpreter to be read

4.d) I think this is a terrible justification. A programming language
embedded in a configuration system grants a lot of possibilities. That
in and of itself can generate much controversy. On one hand, it might
be better to enforce a strict separation between configuration and
code, thus requiring the removal of code into wrapper scripts. On the
other hand, blurring such a line could while providing extensibility,
in certain situations encourage faux-pas configurations better suited
to wrapper scripts. Then is the faux-pas inherent to the programming
language or the context of the configuration file? In my defense, I
refer to [3] which lists many incorrect idioms.

Also there is a sound way to read configuration files written in a
programming language - simply evaluate the code.

In any case, to preserve compatibility with systemd, the new files
(/etc/vconsole.conf, /etc/locale.conf, /etc/hostname) should not
contain bash.

[3] mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/

5) With the plethora of changes, each for different reasons, I think
there is justifcation for a comprehensive news item summarizing
changes to each variable:
LOCALE -> /etc/locale.conf
HARDWARECLOCK -> deprecated
USE_BTRFS -> esoteric, removed for cosmetic reasons

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