On 07/22/2012 02:38 PM, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
> probably beating a dead horse here, bu IMO it's just blatantly
> superior all ways imaginable ... this becomes increasingly obvious the
> longer you work with it (check out user-sessions! yay!).

  With anything like this consideration all I care about is what the
cost/benefit of the change is. Who will benefit and how much work it will take
on the communities part just to move to the next gee-whiz thing. Very simple,
what does the following table look like:

         current init                       systemd init

  Benefits         Drawbacks        Benefits            Drawbacks
-------------  ----------------  ----------------  ------------------

  If the systemd benefits outweigh the benefits of the current init and the
time-cost to the community to undergo the change is small, then it is worth
doing. However, if the change will take significant effort on a per-machine
basis from the community, and systemd doesn't provided a _needed_ benefit that
the current system doesn't then it's not worth doing.

  I haven't run into any limitations that the current system has, so I don't see
any need to change. However, if it is basically a transparent change to me, then
I don't really care. But if it takes 1/2 hour per box to dork with -- then I
don't want to jack with it.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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