Yes, that is true. I had a bad experience half a year ago, so I wrote this mail 

And what I also want to say, the message should not be printed too often unless 
a really really important package is upgraded (such a bootloader or something 
Or if the message is printed EVERY time upgrading the system, no one will check 
the log.

The package itself should mark itself that the upgrade is important, and pacman 
should be able detect it.

And how do you think of my second advice in the previous mail, that is adding a 
character to indicate the level of a line in the log file--my explain may be 
not good and you just check back my previous mail, the content below 
the horizontal line.


> Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2012 18:49:01 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [arch-general] Request of printing warnings at the end of pacman 
> upgrade
> Not bad. I myself needed a small crash after an uprgade to since then
> taket he good habit to have sysmetically a look at the log file.
> >

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