Hi guys, may be you'll find ArchServer an interesting project, you'll find more here: www.archserver.org.
The idea behind this project is to create a rock-solid, server-oriented Arch flavor ready for mass deployment with all the pros we love about Arch -easy to maintain, lightweight, ultra-stable, a joy to use, you know, The Arch Way- plus a well tested repositories to ensure no unexpected surprises (!) and the least manual intervention possible while remaining %100 Arch-compatible. While the project have been around for quite some time, the lack of people involved together with real-life matters of it's lead devs and mantainers made Arch Server slide into an induced sleep for some time... until now. In my last email exchange with Daniel (aka ShadowBranch, current AS maintainer), about a month ago, he made clear it's matter of time until the project is up and fully running again - undoubtedly he is not having the necessary spare time to setup everything again and relaunch the project. So if you think ArchServer have any worthiness or is something interesting -personally I would _love_ to have a specific server-flavor of Arch- head on to the ML section and subscribe yourselves so you don't miss the grand reopening. P.S.: I know this may sound like a cheap NTM[0]/sell speach but it's not! I'm just a fan of the idea of having a server edition of AL ready to deploy and forgot about it because Arch rocks and I don't really want to work with any other distros that isn't Arch-centric; also I find inefficient to have to learn the ways of other distros -which I don't like how they do things- in order to work with a production server. For now I set up my Arch Linux server boxes by hand as the next archer does, but I'm sure it would be plain awesome to have an Arch branch specifically fitted for the server role, it could save me countless hours on deployment, management, testing, servicing, etc., and I'm sure it can do the same for all the rest of the archers :) [0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_marketing Cheers!