> OK guys. When I bought my ssd, I read too that this story of short 
> lifetime is a myth. As it is now clear to me that writing /var/log into 
> RAM is a totally fullish idea in case of crash, I am back to my original 
> fstab, with no entry for /var/log.
> I will then take my time to understand rsyslog or syslog-ng.
> Ty all for your wise advises.

Not exactly. It's true and as your filesystem fills up it becomes more
of a problem. However modern drives such as with sandforce controllers
reserve around 20% of the drive so that the problem is avoided for the
lifetime of a drive. The picture of data preservation, reliability and
shock between SSD and HDD also has many intricacies depending on your
concerns. The picture is far from simply SSD rules in all situations
except capacity/£.


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