What do you think about ffmpeg-compat package ? ******************** # $Id$
pkgname=ffmpeg-compat pkgver=20120509 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Complete and free Internet live audio and video broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://ffmpeg.org/" license=('GPL') depends=(alsa-lib bzip2 gsm lame libpulse libtheora libva libvorbis libvpx opencore-amr openjpeg rtmpdump schroedinger sdl speex x264 xvidcore zlib) makedepends=('yasm' 'git' 'libvdpau') source=(ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/other/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-$pkgver.tar.xz) md5sums=('a35359e424608f369d380f03e4dc9966') build() { cd "ffmpeg" ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --incdir=/usr/include/ffmpeg-compat \ --libdir=/usr/lib/ffmpeg-compat \ --shlibdir=/usr/lib/ffmpeg-compat \ --enable-libmp3lame \ --enable-libvorbis \ --enable-libxvid \ --enable-libx264 \ --enable-libvpx \ --enable-libtheora \ --enable-libgsm \ --enable-libspeex \ --enable-postproc \ --enable-shared \ --enable-x11grab \ --enable-libopencore_amrnb \ --enable-libopencore_amrwb \ --enable-libschroedinger \ --enable-libopenjpeg \ --enable-librtmp \ --enable-libpulse \ --enable-gpl \ --enable-version3 \ --enable-runtime-cpudetect \ --disable-debug \ --disable-static make } package() { cd "ffmpeg" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install rm -rf $pkgdir/usr/{bin,share} } ******************** At Thu, 7 Jun 2012 15:36:33 -0400, Eric Bélanger <snowmanisc...@gmail.com> wrote: > You might not have noticed but in ffmpeg 0.11, they removed a lot of > functions and structs that were marked as deprecated in the ffmpeg in > [extra] so any packages that still use that deprecated stuff won't > build anymore unless they're patched. As expected, this will take more > time than a simple rebuild. My remaining package (sox, electricsheep) > don't build and I haven't found any patches online. Is there > documentation on how to port to the newer API? There are hints in the > header files but I got stuck. Electricsheep build but doesn't work, > probably because of the line I removed without replacing it (I don't > know how to replace it), so I'll need to do more work on the patch. If > someone knows about this stuff, I could post my current patches.