Op vrijdag 8 juni 2012 15:32:19 schreef Dan McGee:
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Tobias Powalowski
> <tobias.powalow...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > signoffs are done, anything that stops us from moving to new kernel
> > series?
> Do we just blindly follow the signoffs page, or do we actually notice
> people having trouble? It seemed quite obvious to me this should not
> move:
> http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2012-June/023072.html
> -Dan

since i cant post to arch-dev-public i'll do it here.

there are some serious issues with 3.4+ with nfsv4, the issues should be taken 
care of in 3.4.2

maybe you could bring in a 'testing' kernel being 3.4.2-rc1
patch this on top of your 3.4.1 tree and test ?

people having issues with nfsv4 could already see if it would be solved with a 
possible 3.4.2 patch and then when 3.4.2 becomes 'official' just do a short 
retest if there are no regressions from rc to official.

after a really 'small' test i don't seem to have any problems with nfsv4 with 


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