On 05/07/2012 01:12 PM, Jelle van der Waa wrote:
On 07/05/12 16:20, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
On 05/05/2012 11:27 AM, Genes MailLists wrote:
On 05/05/2012 10:32 AM, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
Hi all,

FYI: I plan to drop squirrelmail from [extra]. It is orphaned and it
wont work with PHP 5.4. (According to pkgstats it has no users anyway)



pkgstats is wrong.  I use it, and have for years.

Then you didn't install pkgstats and have had it running ;)

Nope.  Have had pkgstats installed since 2008:

[darose@darsys12 log]$ grep pkgstats pacman.log
[2008-11-07 10:50] installed pkgstats (1.0-2)
[2009-10-29 22:06] upgraded pkgstats (1.0-2 -> 1.0-3)
[2010-09-10 16:25] Running 'pacman -S encfs hwdetect acidrip chromium libmysqlclient mysql-clients pacman pkgstats vlc pacman-mirrorlist'
[2010-09-10 16:25] upgraded pkgstats (1.0-3 -> 2.0-2)
[2010-09-29 16:27] Running 'pacman -S thunderbird xterm openssh k3b qt kernel26 kernel26-headers man-pages nspluginwrapper pkgstats dosfstools dnsutils linux-firmware lftp xulrunner' [2010-09-29 16:33] Note: A weekly cronjob was installed to /etc/cron.weekly/pkgstats
[2010-09-29 16:33] upgraded pkgstats (2.0-2 -> 2.1-4)
[2011-05-25 22:01] Running 'pacman -S encfs frostwire file gparted pidgin libpurple libxfce4util mkinitcpio pkgstats rsync xz' [2011-05-25 22:02] Running 'pacman -S encfs frostwire file gparted pidgin libpurple libxfce4util pkgstats rsync xz'
[2011-05-25 22:02] upgraded pkgstats (2.1-4 -> 2.1-5)
[2011-12-15 13:54] Running 'pacman -S pkgstats'

And (as far as I know) its weekly cron job has been running successfully. Just ran it again by hand now to make sure:

[root@darsys12 log]# su -s /bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/pkgstats -q' nobody

Anyway, bottom line is: I don't think your assumption that squirrelmail has no users in Arch is correct.


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