Kirill Churin said the following at 04/24/2012 03:49 AM :

>> So I ran:
>>  xset +fp /home/n7dr/.fonts
>> But now we come to the problem. This command returns:
>> xset:  bad font path element (#37), possible causes are:
>>    Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
>>    Directory missing fonts.dir
>>    Incorrect font server address or syntax
>> But:
>> a. the directory obviously exists, and it has permissions rwx for the user.
>> b. The directory contains the file fonts.dir
>> c. The syntax looks OK.
>> So what is xset complaining about?

> There are no dot in /home/n7dr/fonts/ path. Should be  /home/n7dr/.fonts/

I don't understand. The command was:

>> So I ran:
>>  xset +fp /home/n7dr/.fonts

so it did contain the correct path.



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