On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 12:36:09PM +0300, Mantas M. wrote: > On 2012-04-15 07:03, Martti Kühne wrote: > > #!/usr/bin/env python2 and #!python2 in my experience have exactly the same > > effect, so all I can do is ask you what differences you found and then we > > could > [...] > > The difference between "#!/usr/bin/python2" and "#!/usr/bin/env python2" > becomes obvious when you have multiple `python2`s in your $PATH. > > -- > Mantas M. <graw...@gmail.com>
question to OP: what is it you have there in your home directory and would renaming the binary work for distinction? ~/bin/python2.6, ~/bin/python-frobtweaks looks like a good measure to me, to just avoid naming collisions if you run into problems. technically, you don't even need to prepend PATH to break your python2 searchpath, since a custom-built binary in /usr/local/bin would already achieve that. cheers! mar77i