On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 11:15 PM, Don deJuan <donjuans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 04/12/2012 02:10 PM, Guillermo Leira wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Last upgrade of udev
>> [2012-04-12 20:16] upgraded udev (182-1 ->  181-9)
>> Makes my gnome-shell start in "alternate" mode.
>> And last upgrade of consolekit
>> [2012-04-12 20:26] upgraded consolekit (0.4.5-2 ->  0.4.6-1)
>> makes that when I insert a DVD, I receive a message of error saying that
>> the
>> operation is not allowed (sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't copy the
>> error
>> message).
>> Downgrading both of them solved the problems.
>> Anyone else noticed this?
>> x86_64
>> Guillermo Leira
>  I just had to downgrade both after the update as well.

consolekit-0.4.6-2 should hopefully fix the problem. I pushed it 2
seconds ago, so might take some time for mirrors to sync.

For those interested: this was entirely my fault. I accidentally built
consolekit against "testing" instead of "extra", so it works fine for
people using the "testing" repository (i.e. the people who would
normally find problems before the package hits "extra"), but would
segfault if you only use "extra" with "testing" disabled (due to your
glib2, dbus, etc being too old).

Sorry for the inconvenience (and hope it works now!).



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