On Mon, 09 Apr 2012 21:20:43 +0100
Andrea Crotti wrote:

> >
> > All USB ports work perfectly on this machine as far as I can tell.
> > I now tried all three ports and exactly same results.
> > Can it be something in the kernel? Or maybe UDEV configuration (which 
> > I guess
> > should come at a later stage, so it should not be the problem).  
> Actually I was wrong it was the USB somehow, also the mouse stopped 
> working..
> After a kernel update and reboot now everything seems to work, not sure 
> what happened though,
> which is a bit annoying.

Some machines (especially smaller laptops) or boards use hubs internally
rather than full usb ports that don't share their power.

This is especially true of ports on the front of your desktop compared
to the rear and is why some devices only work on rear ports due to a
higher power demand, one characteristic is a usb hdd that sometimes
won't spin up on front ports but does everytime on rear ports. Maybe you
just sapped too much leckie at once and something got confused?

Re-plugging should be all that's necessary though, that's a bit strange.

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