Hello, after system upgrade (seems after 2012-04-02) all USB flashes are mounted in /run/media/USER/LABEL instead of /media/LABEL that was previously. Is it intentional or is it a bug?
Detailed information: OS: Archlinux x86_64 Repos: testing core extra community{,-testing} multilib{,-testing} Rel. soft: udev 181-9 systemd 44-4 libsystemd 44-4 initscripts-systemd v44.1-1 udisk 1.0.4-3 udisk2 1.93.0-1 The following packages (mentioned above) have been updated: 2012-04-02 ---------- udev 181-5 -> 181-9 libsystemd 44-1 -> 44-3 -> 44-4 udisk2 N/A -> 1.93.0-1 systemd 44-1 -> 44-3 -> 44-4 initscripts-systemd v38-2 -> v44-1 -> v44-2 -> v44.1-1 systemd-arch-units 20120317-1 -> 20120401-1 udisks 1.0.4-2 -> 1.0.4-3 How I mounting USB flash I run Openbox with autostarted dbus and consolekit (my user added to group 'storage'), I run pcmanfm or thunar or nautilus, plugin USB mounting it clikcing on label on left. P.S. Interestingly, mounting in Dolphin works as usual (flashes are mounted in /media/LABEL). --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Nowlan's Theory: He who hesitates is not only lost, but several miles from the next freeway exit.