On Sun, Apr 01, 2012 at 04:28:53PM +0800, XeCycle wrote:
> Jesse Jaara <jesse.ja...@gmail.com>写到:
> > Makepkg.conf
> > 
> > Innstall renice and you wont even
> > Notice the building, as gcc's priority
> > is set so low by renice.
> That doesn't solve everything, though.  A notebook user like me may find the 
> CPU gets too hot when building with aggressive parallel options, and renice 
> can't help.

makepkg.conf is imo the way to go, because things are up to the user, how hot
he wants his builds to get. I also concur with auguste's opinion that PKGUBILD
is not the place to make this kind (rather machine-dependent) setting.

thanks for bringing this up btw, I used to add this stuff manually to the
custom kernels' PKGBUILDs I use.


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