On 03/26/2012 07:01 AM, Karol Błażewicz wrote: > Please do at least some research yourself before firing an e-mail to the list, > e.g. https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/28938 should have given you a clue on > what's going on: some of these *-dri drivers have been dropped, they're not in > the repos anymore and they don't work with the current libgl 8.0.2-1. > > If you do need ati-dri or intel-dri, you can still use them with the current > libgl. >
Karol, I checked www.archlinux.com and I checked packages. Usually it is just a timing issue when these things pop up - thus my question "is it just a timing issue?" There are times when any user can miss something in a bug report, etc.. Please don't take that as an open invitation to berate them openly. That is a large part of the reason the Arch list has a negative reputation for being open to users asking for help. There is a fine line between being helpful and being sarcastic. A simple see: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/28938 would have sufficed. I appreciate your help, but I won't, nor should anyone else, tolerate abusive behavior on this list. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.